An industry manufacturer asked ECigIntelligence to provide a guide on upcoming EU regulations prior to TPD implementation

Client profile

The client is a global Chinese manufacturer of vaping products looking to understand a new regulation that came into force in May 2014 and was going to become applicable in EU member states in May 2016.


The client wanted to expand their understanding of legal requirements in Europe in a post-TPD environment, so they were looking for reliable data regarding the upcoming regulation on which to base their interpretation and use the information internally for their expansion strategy.

ECigIntelligence’s solution

When the TPD (Tobacco Products Directive) came into force, the ECigIntelligence legal team prepared a regulatory report on each of the 28 EU member states (this was undertaken when the UK was still in the EU) where the new regulation was being implemented.

The document included the following analysis:

  • How the same law was being interpreted in each country.
  • How each of the countries was enforcing new requirements and obligations.
  • How each country was regulating aspects not covered in the TPD.

Outcome & value-added

ECigIntelligence provided the client with a complete white book on this new upcoming regulation, which helped them:

  • Use it as a guide and an internal point of reference.
  • Educate and train their employees.
  • Verify their existing knowledge with the compliance team.
  • Reduce costs as they did not have to contract external consultants and lawyers.
  • Make informed decisions on their expansion strategy into Europe.


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