Interested in regulatory data for Greece? Check out our premium report on Greece now available for purchase here. The report will provide you with the latest regulatory changes in the country applicable to e-cigarettes and an overview of the market.
Vaping products no longer come under Greece’s general consumer and safety regulations since the country transposed the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) in September 2016.
The new law allows domestic distance sale of vaping products, but cross-border sales of e-cigarettes and e-liquids to consumers in Greece are prohibited.
The latest ECigIntelligence market report reveals that the country is experiencing a boom in the e-cig sector, with lots of shops opening and an increase in the vaping population. We believe the current vaper population is around 200,000 in a $39m market.
Greece introduced a €0.10 per ml tax on all e-liquids in January, both those containing nicotine and nicotine-free. Other European Union member states such as Estonia or Portugal have also recently introduced or changed e-cigarette taxes.
The most recent ECigIntelligence regulatory report on Greece, explaining the post-TPD situation, includes a reminder that manufacturers have a transition period to adapt to the new product requirements and that they are premitted to sell non-compliant products in the Greek market only until the end of February.
As in other European countries, all devices need a medical licence if they are to be sold as smoking-cessation devices.
Photo: James Dennes