Portugal: e-cigarette regulation, February 2025

The Amendment to the Tobacco Law 63/2017 tackles all policy areas to a large extent, in accordance with the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), regulating e-cigarettes in terms of retail, public usage, advertising and promotion.

In July 2022 the Ministry of Health released for public consultation the National Strategy to Fight Cancer 2021-2030. Among the measures proposed were:

  • Ensure full implementation of the WHO FCTC with regulations on ingredients, labelling and packaging, and advertising and sponsorship, and with new retail conditions and smoke-free zones
  • Limit access to e-cigarettes through price increases, raising the legal purchase age, and point-of-sale regulation.

The strategy is very broad, and it does not tackle how and when the measures will be implemented. Since the public consultation period ended in July 2022, the government has taken actions to implement some of the proposed measures, further restricting public use and retail.

This report provides detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in place in Portugal for e-cigarettes, covering all policy areas from taxation and market access to advertising and packaging.

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Irene Villani

Legal analyst
Irene holds a double degree in Italian and French law from the Universities of Florence and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an MA in International Relations from the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals. She has been an intern at UNESCO and the OECD, and has worked as a legal consultant and a researcher at Dow Jones.

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