Venezuela: Presidential elections took place on Sunday (28th July), allegedly resulting in the re-election of president Nicolás Maduro by 51% of the votes
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Venezuela / Americas: The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which serves as regional office for the World Health Organization (WHO) in the Americas, has praised Venezuela for its recently
4th August 2023 - South America, Venezuela |
Venezuela: Through Official Gazette 42,682, the government has banned the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, import, export and consumption of e-cigarettes and e-liquids, regardless of nicotine
29th June 2023 - South America, Venezuela |
Venezuela: President Nicolas Maduro has asked the government medical and scientific team to evaluate the possibility of banning the sale of e-cigarettes on health grounds, press
22nd June 2023 - South America, Venezuela |
Venezuela: The Ministry of Health has passed a resolution regulating the manufacture, import, export, distribution, marketing, use, advertising and promotion of e-cigarettes and banning their sale