<div class=”center-content”> <h2><strong>What you will learn from this course</strong></h2><img class=”wp-image-25873 size-medium” src=”https://ecigintelligence.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/vaper_900x540_25540353814_cbcc9d09d0_k-300×180.jpg” alt=”vaper_900x540_25540353814_cbcc9d09d0_k” width=”300″ height=”180″ /> <em>Photo: Info-Electronic-Cigarette.com</em>What are e-cigarettes? How do they work? Are they just a way of giving up smoking? Are they dangerous? All these questions – and more – will be answered in this course.</div><p>Let’s start with the basics. <em><strong>Select the headings to find out more.</strong></em> » Continue Reading.