Marketing and Retailing

Indonesia: ban looks possible – when government makes its mind up

15th December 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

The legal classification of e-cigarettes in Indonesia is far from clear – whether they come under regulations relating to tobacco, pharmaceutical or consumer products.
What does seem clear is that e-cigs continue to be legal for now, despite some reports last year to the contrary. It is possible they may become illegal in future. Our in-depth regulatory report looks at every aspect of e-cigarette regulation in Indonesia.

Vaping products under new classification in Belgium

8th December 2016 - News analysis |

A few months after being suspended, a Royal Decree published on 28th October 2016 has finally transposed the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) – but with a very important change in the classification of vaping products in Belgium. From 17th January 2017, when the law comes into force, e-cigarettes and e-liquids containing nicotine will be considered consumer products, according to the latest ECigIntelligence regulatory report.

PMI bids to gain first ever FDA modified-risk approval for iQOS

6th December 2016 - News analysis |

Philip Morris International (PMI) this week submitted its iQOS technology for approval as a reduced-risk product by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a strategy which if successful would provide a tremendous boost to the credibility of heat-not-burn and perhaps pave the way for PMI’s partner Altria to dominate that market in the United States.

Boom year in Italy as vaping population triples

7th November 2016 - News analysis |

Italy’s vaping population has more than tripled in the past year, bringing the number of e-cigarette users back to the levels of 2013, before the 2014 crash – and the rise is set to continue, with greater market visibility and an increase in the number of vape stores.

China: a market with massive potential but unusual challenges

4th November 2016 - Country market reports , Market reports |

In this report ECigIntelligence takes an in-depth look at the market in China. The world’s most highly populated country is for now a largely untapped potential market for e-cigarettes, despite most of the world’s vaping hardware being manufactured there. The prevalence of smoking among men, the cheapness of traditional cigarettes supplied by a state monopoly industry, and the lack of desire in most smokers to give up all contribute to resistance to switching to electronic devices.