Marketing and Retailing

Tobacco Retailers’ Alliance (TRA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

Funded by the Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, this organisation offers a free membership to all independent retailers who sell tobacco. It campaigns on issues of relevance to both their businesses and to the industry. PO Box 61705, London SW1H 0XS, UK

British Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (BAPW)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

The BAPW represents full-line pharmaceutical distributors which between them provide 90% of the nation’s medicines, covering all of the UK’s population. A forum is provided for discussion across the industries involved in the provision of pharmaceuticals to Britain’s health services. Full-line wholesalers act as a one-stop shop for almost all pharmaceutical products and services. Their members deliver to the front » Continue Reading.

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

ABPI represents research-based biopharmaceutical companies, large, medium and small. The ABPI is recognised by government as the industry body negotiating on behalf of the branded pharmaceutical industry for statutory consultation requirements, including the pricing scheme for medicines in the UK. 7th floor, Southside, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

ASH is a campaigning public health charity that works to eliminate the harm caused by tobacco. 6th floor, Suites 59-63, New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY, UK

The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

Responsible for the independent regulation of over 70,000 pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy premises in England, Scotland and Wales. 129 Lambeth Rd, London SE1 7BT, UK

European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

EASA considers itself the authoritative voice on advertising self-regulation issues and promotes high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation, while being mindful of national differences of culture, legal and commercial practice. These standards are promoted, for example, via EASA’s Advertising Self-Regulatory Charter and EASA’s Best Practice Recommendations. As a nonprofit organisation based in Brussels, it brings » Continue Reading.

European Advertising Agency (EUAA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

The EUAA is dedicated to the liberalisation of marketing infrastructure and thus to the economical and cultural growth of the communications market within the European Union. EUAA Frankfurt (head office), Mainzer LandstraĂźe 24, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

EACA is an organisation which brings together the advertising, media and sales promotion agencies across Europe, enabling international experience and issues to be shared and dealt with on a pan-European basis. It provides an important link between agencies, advertisers and the advertising media in Europe and around the world and participates closely in setting the standards in many aspects of » Continue Reading.

Framework Convention Alliance (FCA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

Made up of more than 350 organisations from over 100 countries, the FCA works on the development, ratification and implementation of the international treaty, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Rue de la Fontaine 2, Case Postale 3484, CH-1211 Geneva 3 (Switzerland)

AsociaciĂłn para la AutorregulaciĂłn de la ComunicaciĂłn (Association for the self-regulation of commercial communication)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

The Spanish advertising self-regulation organisation (SRO). It is composed of the main advertisers, agencies and media (TV, press, outdoor, radio, Internet) in Spain, as well as the main advertising industry associations. Autocontrol’s main objective is to contribute to ensure high ethical standards in advertising in the benefit of consumers, competitors and the marketplace. Autocontrol has signed various agreements with relevant » Continue Reading.

Deutscher Werberat (DW) (The German Standards Advertising Council)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The German Advertising Council, the range of conflict management between consumers and companies on promotional activities and by developing voluntary rules for advertising especially in particularly sensitive areas performs this function. This form of self-restraint aims to promote responsible actions in the field of advertising and to determine deficiencies and eliminate. While the German Advertising Standards Council operates independently from » Continue Reading.

Istituto dell’Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (IAP) ( Institute of Advertising Self-regulation)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The Institute of Advertising Self-regulation is the private entity that regulates commercial communication for proper information of the citizen-consumer and fair competition between companies. The rules to be complied with are set out in the corporate governance code of commercial communication and are applied by the Monitoring Committeeor the Jury. The observance of the code are required all advertising operators. » Continue Reading.

Washington politicians push for curb on ‘youth targeting’ of e-cigs

27th February 2014 - News analysis |

Washington law-makers are striving to bring the marketing of e-cigarettes to minors under control across the U.S., with one group audaciously suggesting they should be included in the landmark agreement on cigarette control forged by the big tobacco companies and the individual states, while another seeks a less dramatic national advertising law.

Taiwan cracks down on e-cig sellers

13th February 2014 - News analysis |

Authorities in Taiwan have reiterated that the sale, import and manufacture of unapproved e-cigarettes is illegal in the country, and urged citizens to report vapers so that dealers can be tracked down – even though personal possession and use is permitted.

Consumers care about products, not laws, study finds

6th February 2014 - News analysis |

Consumers are more interested in the benefits of e-cigarettes than the politics surrounding them, but the overall e-cigarette concept may have caught imaginations more strongly than individual brands, a new social media study suggests.