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Customs finds imports up to three times legal nicotine limit…

15th November 2022 - Alerts | Russia |

Customs Service wants synthetic nicotine to be taxed as tobacco…

10th November 2022 - Alerts | Asia, South Korea |

Public consultation held on Vaporized Nicotine Products Regulation Act…

28th October 2022 - Alerts | Asia, Philippines |

‘Schools without nicotine and tobacco’ awareness campaign…

23rd September 2022 - Alerts | Europe, Ukraine |

FDA e-liquid warnings cover ‘nicotine from any source’…

24th August 2022 - Alerts | United States |

Call for birthdate ban on nicotine-containing products…

18th August 2022 - Alerts | Russia, World |

Vape union proposes including nicotine-free liquid in labelling experiment…

8th June 2022 - Alerts | Russia, World |

Harm-reduction strategies: how much action lies behind the talk?

1st June 2022 - Blogs |

Most tobacco companies are keen to be seen supporting the concept of harm reduction, especially through reduced-risk products like e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn and pouches. But how far is their support for the idea actually having an effect on their activities right now, as well as their future direction?