Shape the future of vaping: Contribute to the industry’s exclusive US vape store survey

Join ECigIntelligence, the leading market research firm, in our annual survey and receive exclusive insights

Upon registration, you will receive the summary results from our latest survey

Pre-register now

    Get compelling insights into the changing landscape of the vape specialist retail channel in the US

    Why participate

    • Shape the future: Your contribution helps understand the development of the sector
    • Get exclusive data: Receive anonymised summary results of the survey, including key industry trends and data insights
    • Industry benchmark: Compare the results against your performance and gain valuable insights data
    • Anonymous participation: All individual responses will be completely anonymised

    How it works

    • Pre-register to be part of our survey list
    • Obtain data insights from our previous US vape store survey
    • Receive an exclusive invitation to the official launch in August
    • Fill out our quick, anonymous survey form
    • Enjoy a firsthand look at the latest trends and insights in the vape store industry

    Trusted expertise

    ECigIntelligence is the leading provider of detailed global market and regulatory analysis for the vaping sector worldwide

    Operating since 2014

    +8 years conducting industry surveys

    +5,000 data analysis

    +1,200 reports


    Is my participation in the survey confidential?

    Yes, we take your privacy seriously. All responses are kept strictly confidential and anonymous, and will only be used for survey purposes.

    What kind of questions will be asked in the survey?

    The survey covers various aspects of the vape store business, including product offering, revenue, regulatory impact and perceptions, future plans and industry outlook.

    Why should I participate in this survey?

    By participating, you contribute to a comprehensive industry analysis that benefits both your business and the vaping industry. As a participant, you'll also receive exclusive insights and early access to survey results.

    How will the survey results be used?

    The results will be used to compile industry reports, analyse trends, and provide valuable insights to participants, collaborators, company subscribers and, in general, to the industry at large.

    Who is conducting this survey?

    ECigIntelligence, a leading provider of market and regulatory data for the vaping industry globally, is conducting this survey. With over ten years operating exclusively in the e-cigarette sector, we are the most reliable and accurate source of industry information.

    In addition, ECigIntelligence has carried out an online survey of vape stores in the US annually since 2016. Each survey includes similar question sets and methodologies, and the responses are examined using cross-sectional comparative analysis. The results from this analysis are used to determine trends and changes to the US vape store channel.

    Ready to contribute to the industry evolution? Share your insights and be a part of the ECigIntelligence survey!

    Pre-register now