The ECigIntelligence compliance calendar provides key regulatory deadline dates applicable to the vape sector. View deadlines and add them to your own calendar to stay ahead of upcoming changes to regulations ...
This report tracks and analyses the challenges brought to court by vape companies of their marketing denial orders (MDOs) of their premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) ...
This database includes information about legislators that have proposed or sponsored bills related to tobacco products and e-cigarettes in the last four years ...
The database covers essential aspects of the intellectual property regulatory framework, including the duration of rights, fees, procedures, as well as the responsible bodies overseeing the regime in each European country ...
This directory of stakeholders in European e-cigarette markets will allow you to find the most relevant organisations in 37 countries, including all EU member states ...
This directory of stakeholders in international e-cigarette markets will allow you to find the most relevant organisations in over 50 countries around the globe ...
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