Developments in the alternatives category in some Latin American countries may feed new hopes for legality and regulation. However, the majority keep heading towards stringent regulations or prohibitions ...
COP10 was to be the conference where countries finally got to grips with emerging alternative tobacco products, but none of the decisions made applied to ENDS or HTPs or their industries ...
Leaders of vaping associations in Latin America have told ECigIntelligence they anticipate further restrictions and reinforced regional bans on tobacco alternative products to result from this week's COP10 ...
E-cig and vape associations in Argentina, Mexico, Panama and other Latin American nations are hopeful that 2024 will bring eased restrictions and the lifting of bans that have complicated sales and consumption of tobacco alternatives...
Venezuela is the latest Latin American country to issue a government decree banning nationwide sales, consumption, exports and distribution of vapes and heated tobacco ...
World No Tobacco Day provides an opportunity to consider the approach that public health authorities, policymakers, and advocates around the world have towards the role of tobacco-alternatives products ...
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