Ethan Nadelmann, widely regarded as the outstanding U.S. proponent of drug policy reform around the world, is to share his views on the links between policy and harm reduction at this summer’s Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN).
Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance in the U.S., has been invited to deliver this year’s Michael Russell Oration at the event, which takes place in Warsaw, Poland from 15th to 17th June 2017.
The annual oration honours the work and memory of Professor Michael Russell, a pioneer in the study of smoking behaviour, clinical interventions and public policy action, who died in 2009.
The GFN will also include plenary sessions, panel discussions and presentations to examine the latest developments in science related to nicotine use, the changing policy landscape, and the role of national stakeholders.
The GFN committee have handed over organisation of the annual advocacy awards to the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO).
The awards will be in three categories: an individual consumer advocate for alternative nicotine products; a professional advocate for tobacco harm reduction; and an advocacy group or organisation active in advocating and promoting the cause of alternative risk-reduced nicotine products within their regional or national community and governments.
Nominations must be submitted via the INNCO website by 31st March 2017. The winners will be announced no later than 10th April.
– David Palacios EcigIntelligence staff