Luxembourg: Amendments to the bill that would have made nicotine-free e-liquids subject to some of the product restrictions currently applicable to nicotine-containing liquids have been proposed by the
Luxembourg: As shown in our compliance calendar, e-liquids, regardless of their nicotine content, start to be taxed today at a rate of €0.12
Luxembourg: The Ministry of Health has provided ECigIntelligence with the list of notified vaping products in the country. The list includes nicotine-containing and nicotine-free vaping
Luxembourg: The Environmental Administration has inspected 45 samples of single-use e-cigarettes from 11 different points-of-sale and found that the labelling was insufficient in 27
Luxembourg: The government has proposed amendments to the bill that would have made nicotine-free e-liquids subject to some of the product restrictions currently applicable to nicotine-containing liquids. It
Luxembourg: The Council of Ministers agreed yesterday (9th May) to approve a bill that would make nicotine-free e-liquids subject to some of the product restrictions
Luxembourg: The regulation introducing a tax for e-liquids (which are currently not taxed), regardless of their nicotine content, was published in the Official
Luxembourg: The Ministry of Finance has proposed a draft regulation seeking to introduce a tax for e-liquids, regardless of their nicotine content. Currently not subject
Luxembourg: Last month (December 2023), the government notified a bill amending the tobacco law to the European Commission’s TRIS system. This replicates the
Luxembourg: The government has notified a bill amending the tobacco law to the European Commission's TRIS system. It would prohibit nicotine-free e-liquids from
Luxembourg: The Ministry of Health has published an official webpage on the harmful effects of tobacco, ahead of World No Tobacco Day, which will take
Luxembourg: In answer to a parliamentary question about whether the increased use by teenagers of flavoured disposable e-cigarettes, as seen in France, was also occurring