Policy and Politics

EU to establish standard testing regime for nicotine dosage

1st April 2014 - News analysis |

The European Commission is expected to issue technical specifications on the measurement of nicotine intake from e-cigarettes, as member states’ law-makers and the industry prepare to comply with the testing requirements of the EU’s new Tobacco Products Directive (TPD).

Droits des Non-Fumeurs (DNF) (Non-Smokers’ Rights Association)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

Recognised non-governmental organisation which works to protect the rights of non-smokers in France. DNF also works to ensure proper implementation of the Evin law. The association has eight regional offices which provide local contact information and help to anyone wanting more information about tobacco control legislation. DNF helps users in their efforts and answers their questions about France’s tobacco legislation. » Continue Reading.

Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies (OFDT) (The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The French Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction is a public interest group that seeks to provide information on drugs and drug addiction issues to public authorities, professionals working in the field and all concerned citizens. It brings together, through its permanent observation and survey system, scientifically validated information from different sources on licit and illicit substances. www.ofdt.fr 3, » Continue Reading.

Syndicat National de l’Industrie et des Technologies Médicales (SNITEM) (French National Association for Medical Technology and Industries)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

Snitem’s main missions are to inform, to support and to federate, but also: • to organise the nationwide grouping of companies working in the market of products or services which come under the Medical Technology, Medical Device and Healthcare ICT industries; • to examine and defend the economic and industrial interests of its members and to represent them, both in » Continue Reading.

Institut national de prévention et d’éducation pour la santé (INPES) (National Institute for Health Education and Prevention)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

A public administrative institution created by the law on the rights of patients and the quality of the health care system. The Institute is a public health actor specifically responsible for implementing prevention and health education policies in the broader context of public health policy guidelines laid down by the Government.     www.inpes.sante.fr 42, bd de la Libération – » Continue Reading.

L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) (National Agency for Medicines and Health Products)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

A public body under the supervision of the Ministry of Health. The ANSM conducts expert assessment of health products and act as a decision-making body in the field of sanitary regulation. The aim of the organisation is to reconcile patient safety with access to therapeutic developments. The ANSM is entrusted with guaranteeing the safety of healthcare products for human use » Continue Reading.

Deutschen Zigarettenverbandes (DZV) (German Cigarette Association)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The German cigarette Association sees itself as a central point of contact for politics, economics and media around the topic of smoking and cigarette.  The DZV sees itself as representing the interests of consumers of tobacco products in Germany. They aim to promote a respect for smokers and non-smokers. They believe that much can be achieved with mutual respect and » Continue Reading.

Deutsche Krebshilfe (German Cancer Aid)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

German Cancer Aid is the leading supporter of the “Smokefree Class Competition”, the largest school-based smoking prevention program in Europe. The goal of this organisation is to create a class climate that denormalises smoking. The German slogan for the campaign is: Be smart – don’t start. www.krebshilfe.de Bush str. 32, 53113 Bonn deutsche@krebshlife.de

Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Federal Ministry for Health)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

Responsible for a variety of policy areas, whereby its activities focus predominantly on the drafting of bills, ordinances and administrative regulations. Moreover, by means of prevention campaigns, the Federal Ministry of Health seeks to improve the population’s health. All in all, the sphere of activities pursued by the Federal Ministry of Health can be condensed into the areas of health, » Continue Reading.

Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukt (BfArM) (The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

An independent federal higher authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Health. At the BfArM,  (physicians, pharmacists, chemists, biologists, lawyers, engineers, technical assistants, administrative staff etc.) are involved in the tasks of licensing, improving the safety of medicinal products, detecting and evaluating the risks of medical devices, and monitoring the legal traffic in narcotic drugs and precursors. The » Continue Reading.

Istituto dell’Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria (IAP) ( Institute of Advertising Self-regulation)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The Institute of Advertising Self-regulation is the private entity that regulates commercial communication for proper information of the citizen-consumer and fair competition between companies. The rules to be complied with are set out in the corporate governance code of commercial communication and are applied by the Monitoring Committeeor the Jury. The observance of the code are required all advertising operators. » Continue Reading.

Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) (National Institute of Health)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

An Italian public institution that, as the leading technical-scientific body of the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale), performs research, trial, control, counseling, documentation and training for public health. The Institute is under the supervision of the Ministero della Salute (Ministry of Health). www.iss.it Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161-Roma (I) web@iss.it

Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

Italian governmental agency that enforces the financial code of Italy and collects taxes and revenue. www1.agenziaentrate.gov.it Cristoforo Colombo n. 426 C/D 00145 Roma cop.pescara@agenziaentrate.it

Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA) (The Italian Medicines Agency )

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The national authority responsible for drugs regulation in Italy. It is a public body operating autonomously, transparently and according to cost-effectiveness criteria, under the direction of the Ministry of Health and under the vigilance of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy. It cooperates with the Regional Authorities, the National Institute of Health, Research Institutes, Patients’ Associations, Health » Continue Reading.

Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale (ASL) (Italian Ministry of Health)

31st March 2014 - Resources |

The Ministry of Health has been assigned the functions pertaining to the State on the following subjects: •Healthcare, coordination of the national health service •Veterinary healthcare •Occupational healthcare, hygiene and food safety www.salute.gov.it Lungotevere Ripa, 1, 00153 – Rome, Italy

Washington politicians push for curb on ‘youth targeting’ of e-cigs

27th February 2014 - News analysis |

Washington law-makers are striving to bring the marketing of e-cigarettes to minors under control across the U.S., with one group audaciously suggesting they should be included in the landmark agreement on cigarette control forged by the big tobacco companies and the individual states, while another seeks a less dramatic national advertising law.

Taiwan cracks down on e-cig sellers

13th February 2014 - News analysis |

Authorities in Taiwan have reiterated that the sale, import and manufacture of unapproved e-cigarettes is illegal in the country, and urged citizens to report vapers so that dealers can be tracked down – even though personal possession and use is permitted.