Juul Labs and its former investor Altria have reached a settlement with the US state of Minnesota over Juul’s alleged deceptive marketing of e-cigarettes and supposed role in encouraging youth vaping ...
The latest salvos in the US war on youth tobacco use come in the form of more bans on flavoured tobacco products, this time in states including Maine and Ohio ...
Six months after implementing a ban on flavoured e-cigarettes, the city of Chicago has cited several businesses for breaking the rules and announced a lawsuit against a business accused of selling non-compliant vaping products ...
World No Tobacco Day provides an opportunity to consider the approach that public health authorities, policymakers, and advocates around the world have towards the role of tobacco-alternatives products ...
The death of an Illinois vaper, announced on Friday by the state’s Department of Public Health, has prompted a considerable response by public health leaders and tobacco control groups ...
Written by David Palacios Rubio | 24th August 2019
A person who had “recently vaped” has died in Illinois after being hospitalised for severe respiratory illness. The death escalates to a new level the sudden emergence of unexplained lung conditions among vapers, most of...
News that an unexplained lung condition affecting more than 100 Americans is being linked to vaping could hardly have come at a worse time for the beleaguered e-cig sector ...
Florida appears to be on the road towards joining the Tobacco 21 movement, while another bill also moving through the state legislature would ban indoor vaping at work ...
Several US states have recently introduced initiatives aimed at fighting what health regulators have termed the “youth vaping epidemic” by increasing the purchasing age for tobacco and vaping products to 21 ...
Details of legal changes and proposals in 15 states and at federal level were among 69 stories published last month by ECigIntelligence to subscribers through our daily US Live Alerts ...
Illinois governor Bruce Rauner has been accused of “failing children” in the state after he vetoed legislation that would have made 21 the minimum purchasing age for tobacco and vaping products ...
This week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) filed a memo in opposition to a motion for a summary judgment in US District Court in Maryland for a lawsuit against the tobacco deeming extensions....
Chicago lawmakers meet today to discuss proposals to ban flavoured e-liquids – but the city already has trouble enforcing existing bans, such as one on the sale of menthol cigarettes within 500ft of a high...
Against expectation, a comprehensive Tobacco 21 bill that includes e-cigarettes and other alternative nicotine products has been approved by both houses of the Illinois state government ...
Totally Wicked has decided to not close its business in the US, following the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision to postpone important compliance...
The latest in a series of regular reports from ECigIntelligence on the progress of vapour-related regulation in the U.S, focusing on the current sessions of state...
The gravest threat to the U.S. vapour industry comes from local government. While state-level attempts to regulate the industry have been largely unsuccessful, hundreds of local laws have come into...
Prison inmates in North Carolina are to be allowed e-cigarettes, following an unusual law-making decision which implicitly gives official recognition to the products as substitutes for tobacco...
The U.S. state of Illinois is considering making child locks for bottles of e-liquid mandatory, a move which would give the state stricter rules than those planned by the federal Food and Drug Administration...
The attorneys general of 28 U.S. states and territories have asked the country’s biggest pharmacy chains to stop selling tobacco products – but did not mention e-cigarettes in their...