
Laying down the law: regulation to dominate industry confabs

14th May 2014 - News analysis |

E-cigarettes are on the agenda for a host of trade and professional conferences over the coming weeks, reflecting the urgent need for understanding of new regulatory measures as well as the sector’s development and improving scientific knowledge about the products.

Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association (SFATA)

2nd April 2014 - Resources |

Founded in 2011, SFATA serves as an educational and lobbying resource for manufacturers, wholesalers, retail sellers and distributors of personal electronic vaporising units (PEVUs) such as electronic cigarettes (e-cigs). It is dedicated to fostering communication, sharing reliable information and providing forums where SFATA members and state and federal agencies can engage in meaningful dialogue regarding public health, regulatory affairs and » Continue Reading.

Association of Convenience Stores (ACS)

2nd April 2014 - Resources |

The ACS is the voice of more than 33,500 local shops, supporting members through effective lobbying, comprehensive advice and innovative networking opportunities. Its core purpose is to lobby government on the issues that make a difference to local shops. It represents the interests of retailers on a range of issues, including regulation, planning, alcohol and many more. Federation House, » Continue Reading.

National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN)

2nd April 2014 - Resources |

The NFRN exists to help the independent retailer compete more effectively in today’s highly competitive market by providing practical help and assistance, commercial support, deals and buying opportunities, training, expertise and services. The NFRN also actively represents its members’ interests at governmental and parliamentary level. It is the oficial government referral body for the sector and a powerful voice for » Continue Reading.

National Association of Cigarette Machine Operators (NACMO)

2nd April 2014 - Resources |

NACMO exists to generate and represent the standards and conditions that will benefit of their members and the trade as a whole; form policy on trade issues and then promote these issues to all allied parties; generate information, support and assistance of benefit of their members; and develop the integrity of the trade in the public arena and safeguard members’ » Continue Reading.

Tobacco Retailers’ Alliance (TRA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

Funded by the Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, this organisation offers a free membership to all independent retailers who sell tobacco. It campaigns on issues of relevance to both their businesses and to the industry. PO Box 61705, London SW1H 0XS, UK

British Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (BAPW)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

The BAPW represents full-line pharmaceutical distributors which between them provide 90% of the nation’s medicines, covering all of the UK’s population. A forum is provided for discussion across the industries involved in the provision of pharmaceuticals to Britain’s health services. Full-line wholesalers act as a one-stop shop for almost all pharmaceutical products and services. Their members deliver to the front » Continue Reading.

Healthcare UK

1st April 2014 - Resources |

Healthcare UK is a joint initiative of the Department of Health (DH), UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and NHS England. It UK healthcare providers to do more business overseas, by promoting the UK healthcare sector to overseas markets and supporting healthcare partnerships between the UK and overseas healthcare providers. 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET, UK

Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association (TVECA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

The TVECA is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to creating a sensible and responsible electronic cigarette market by providing the media, legislative bodies and consumers with education, communication and research. Bennebroekerdyk 208, Cruquius Holland 2142LD, The Netherlands

European Smoking Tobacco Association (ESTA)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

ESTA represents the interests of the European manufacturers, distributors and importers of fine-cut (rolling) tobacco, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco and nasal snuff tobacco. The members of ESTA are mainly small and medium-sized companies and include national associations from the European Union, the accession countries and the European Economic Area. Rond Point Schumanplein 9, box 1, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium

Confederation of European Community Cigarette Manufacturers (CECCM)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

A non-commercial association which was formed to represent the common views of major European–based cigarette manufacturers and several national associations of manufacturers, CECCM seeks to promote dialogue with EU institutions and participates constructively in EU decision-making processes and tobacco-related policy formulation. CECCM supports the development of reasonable and workable tobacco regulation. 125, Avenue Louise – B-1050 Brussels, Belgium

Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

Also known as the Association EuropĂ©enne des SpĂ©cialitĂ©s Pharmaceutiques Grand Public/Europäischer Verband der Arzneimittel-Hersteller. AESGP, the Association of the European Self-Medication Industry, is the official representation of manufacturers of non-prescription medicines, food supplements and self-care medical devices in Europe. It is composed of national associations and the main multinational companies manufacturing self-care products. In addition , members include a number of » Continue Reading.

The European Smokeless Tobacco Council (ESTOC)

1st April 2014 - Resources |

ESTOC represents the interests of smokeless tobacco manufacturers and distributors as well as tobacco trade associations. It monitors all issues related to smokeless tobacco, including the latest scientific developments at a European and global level. ESTOC’s objective is to enable smokeless tobacco products to comply with their regulatory framework in Europe and in other parts of the world. Rue du » Continue Reading.