Consumer survey report: Italian vaping population growth continues to slow

This report analyses the general characteristics, trends and attitudes of vapers in Italy. In-depth reports on hardware and e-liquids will be published separately. The report is based on an online survey carried out in March and April 2021, with the help of industry players, magazines, and vaping associations.

One of the most notable findings in this year’s survey when compared with the one in 2020 is the decrease of new users (people that have started smoking in the last 12 months). In addition to general trends and differences between this and the last survey, the report also looks at the different reasons to vape and general awareness of trends as well as distribution channels.


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Lucas Tremlett

Head of data
Lucas holds a Bachelor’s degree in philosophy, politics and economics (PPE) from Erasmus University College in Rotterdam, and a Master’s in Political and Electoral Analysis from Carlos III University in Madrid. He has previously worked at Kieskompas, a polling company based in Amsterdam, Fundación Alternativas, a think-tank based in Madrid, and IO Investigación, a market research company also in Madrid. He has experience in academic and market research.

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