Last week, 12 EU health ministers backed a paper calling on the European Commission to propose new legislation, which could include banning flavoured vapes and limiting nicotine content ...
E-cigarettes are about as effective as popular smoking-cessation medical treatment varenicline in helping smokers to quit, according to a new study conducted in Finland ...
Representatives from the European tobacco industry hope the renewal of the EU Parliament, following elections in June, will bring about changes in the EU Commission (EC)’s attitude towards them ...
The majority of Finnish youth report at least occasional vape use, according to a survey by a substance abuse organisation in the country, but what other factors are behind these numbers? ...
The trend towards ever tighter restrictions on flavoured e-liquids may prevent under-age vaping, but it also risks killing off traditional industries around the world and even threatens rare species ...
Raising the minimum purchasing age for e-cigarette products, restrictions on imports, and further extensions of vape-free environments are among suggestions under consideration in Finland ...
World No Tobacco Day provides an opportunity to consider the approach that public health authorities, policymakers, and advocates around the world have towards the role of tobacco-alternatives products ...
A leading Finnish retailer of vaping products is asking customers who buy flavouring liquids to sign a form stating that they are not buying them for use with e-cigarettes ...
Finland could become the first country in the world to insist on plain packaging for e-cigarettes if the recommendations of a working group appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health are implemented ...