Juul goes on attack against copycats it says attract under-age users

Juul Labs has lodged a complaint with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) against products it says infringe Juul’s patents by copying its “technological innovations” and “elegant designs”.

The e-cigarette manufacturer, which has itself faced multiple allegations of appealing to young people, says: “In contrast to Juul’s products, many of the accused copycat products include inappropriate flavors, seemingly directed to attract underage users – flavors like ‘Bubble Bubble’, ‘Apple Juice’ and ‘Sour Gummy’.

“Similarly, whereas Juul Labs applies strict age-gating when selling its products through its website, many of the accused products appear to be sold with little or no real age-verification processes.”

The official complaint alleges that more than 15 entities in the US, China and France are blatantly trespassing on Juul’s intellectual property. Juul says it has also begun similar action in the UK.

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Daniel Mollenkamp

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