Brand price tracker: Canada

Welcome to ECigIntelligence’s brand price tracker. Here we analyse the top five most visited multi-brand vape retail websites in Canada. All e-liquids are covered to the level of brands, flavour and bottle size, and all starter kits for hardware. In the downloadable Excel you can see the average median, minimum and maximum prices per ml by different bottle sizes, by leading brands, and percentage of different sizes carried. Our hardware analysis covers all starter kits, and pre-filled pods. Beside this analysis, the file also contains cleaned and categorised raw data from the quarter which makes it possible for subscribers to make personalised comparisons down to the level of specific brands or models.

Eva Antal

Head of market analysis
Eva manages the market analysis team, overseeing the research of all our market reports and data. Eva runs CannIntelligence’s market data tracking and brings expertise in quantitative research methods and data analysis. Her passion is in understanding consumer behaviour and turning data into insights. She holds an MBA from the Grenoble Ecole de Management and a BSc in Tourism and Hotel Management from the Budapest Business School.

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The global e-cigarette market is in an opaque regulatory environment that requires professionals to be on top of industry developments to make informed decisions and optimise their strategy.

ECigIntelligence provides organisations with leading market and regulatory data analysis to anticipate and understand market developments globally and the impact of regulatory changes to the business.

  • Stay informed of any legal and market change in the sector that impacts your organisation
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  • Make smart decisions by understanding how the regulatory and market landscape evolves
  • Anticipate risks in your decisions by monitoring regulatory changes that impact your organization