Uzbekistan: e-cigarette regulation, November 2024

Vaping products are regulated in line with other tobacco products in Uzbekistan, with some specific product and health warning requirements.

Technical Regulations for Tobacco Products establishes additional product and labelling requirements for vaping products as of 1st January 2025.

We do not anticipate major changes to the Uzbekistani regulatory regime for vaping products in the short term, though it is possible that the bill to ban vaping products would eventually end up in the parliament’s plenary.

This report provides detailed analysis of the regulatory framework in place in Uzbekistan for e-cigarettes, covering all policy areas, including labelling requirements and age, sales, public use and advertising restrictions.

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Dmytro Korchahin

Senior legal analyst
Dmytro holds a masters degree in International and European Union Law from Vilnius University, Lithuania. He also has a masters in law from the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine and in the management of foreign economic activity from V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine. In 2019 he completed a four-month Erasmus+ exchange programme at the University of Barcelona, Spain. He started his PhD studies in EU environmental law at Vilnius University in 2021.

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