Author: David Palacios Rubio

As cigarette sales fall, PMI and JT plan further HnB investment

Written by David Palacios Rubio || 16th February 2018 || News analysis |

As tobacco giants Philip Morris International (PMI) and Japan Tobacco (JT) have been hit by falling tobacco sales, revenues from their e-cigarette and heat-not-burn (HnB) portfolios have increased. As they plan further investments to increase their market presence,...

Heated tobacco on the agenda as European Commission mulls next TPD

Written by David Palacios Rubio || 2nd December 2017 || News analysis |

Tighter regulation “is on the way” for e-cigs, according to the European Commission’s commissioner for health and food safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis, who sees “possibilities”  for “stronger regulation” to “stop advertising and online sales” ...

Poland considering lower e-liquid tax proposal

Written by David Palacios Rubio || 24th October 2017 || News analysis |

A proposed lower tax rate for e-liquids is not getting a positive reception among Poland's e-cig industry, with manufacturers continuing to claim that if the proposal is passed it will destroy the vaping...