This report examines the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforcement measures taken in relation to unauthorised tobacco products, and analyses the warning letters sent out throughout 2024 ...
This database includes information about legislators that have proposed or sponsored bills related to tobacco products and e-cigarettes in the last four years ...
This report looks at the US federal multi-agency task force to curb the distribution and sale of illegal e-cigarettes, examines options companies have, and summarises the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on illicit e-cigs ...
This report explains what nicotine analogues are and what their current US federal legal status is, looks at criticism of the FDA’s lack of regulations on them, and predicts their future in the country ...
This report analyses whether US states are considering the different harm profiles of tobacco products (which can include e-cigarettes) when taxing them, in order to encourage consumption of lower-risk products ...
This report provides detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in place for e-cigarettes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, covering all policy areas ...
The report analyses enacted law and proposed bills that require tobacco products and e-cigarettes to be included in the tobacco directories before they can be distributed or sold in US states ...
This report examines the seizures of illegal e-cigarettes at US ports of entry, analysing the ports that receive the biggest volume of e-cigarette shipments and the customs values of those shipments ...
This report examines the challenge brought to court by Triton and Vapetasia, against the MDOs issued by the US FDA in response to both companies’ premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) ...
This report examines the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforcement measures taken in relation to unauthorised tobacco products, and analyses the warning letters sent out throughout 2023 ...
This report provides a detailed overview of the current regulatory framework in place in Russia for e-cigarettes and related products, covering all policy areas ...
In May 2023, the US FDA issued import alerts on multiple vape products and said any that do not have marketing authorisation will be detained at the border. This report looks at the process, implications and disagreements related...
This report examines the challenge brought to court by Avail Vapor against the marketing denial order issued by the US Food and Drug Administration in response to the company’s premarket tobacco product application ...
This report examines and compares the protection of intellectual property through patents and trademarks at both federal and state levels, though individual state requirements are not...
This report offers a detailed analysis of the current regulatory framework in place for e-cigarettes in Belarus covering all policy areas, from taxation and notification to labelling and packaging requirements ...
This report provides a detailed overview of the current regulatory framework in place in Russia for e-cigarettes and related products, covering all policy areas ...
This report explores the current intellectual property lawsuits in the US, beginning with a table providing summary information on the cases themselves, followed by a deeper analysis of the lawsuits with key arguments ...
Nicotine-containing products are considered acute hazardous waste in the US, and this report provides analysis of the waste management regulations, at a federal level, for businesses in the US ...
This report examines the federal and general state requirements (though it does not analyse specific individual state requirements) that e-cigarette manufacturers need to comply with before selling their products in duty-free stores in the US ...
This report analyses how each of the four geographical areas in the US regulate taxation, product restrictions, retail channel and youth access restrictions, and advertising, noting similarities and differences ...
This report covers all e-cigarette packaging regulations currently under US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authority, including which products need labelling, health warnings and other warning statements, and child-resistant packaging ...
This report provides a detailed overview of the current regulatory framework in Washington DC for e-cigarettes and related products, as well as possible future changes to the regime ...
This report offers an overview of the current regulatory framework for vaping products in Puerto Rico, covering all areas from labelling and product restrictions to advertising, taxation and notification ...
This regulatory report looks at the US states that have enacted or proposed bills aimed at imposing restrictions on tobacco product and e-cigarette manufacturers before marketing their products ...
This report will examine flavour restrictions in the San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Los Angeles, though it will also take into account wherever there is a total ban, since that means all e-cigarettes are banned ...
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