French public health council reverses its endorsement of vaping to quit smoking

France’s High Council for Public Health (HCSP) has revised its 2016 opinion on the benefits of using electronic cigarettes as a smoking alternative, saying there is not sufficient evidence showing that healthcare professionals should suggest vaping as a tobacco cessation tool.

On the other hand, it does not recommend against using it either, leaving it up to users to decide and saying that it may have benefits alongside “proven” treatments such as nicotine patches, gums or inhalers.

Meanwhile, the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), recently published a list of 1,775 e-cig ingredients that it says should be studied to determine the health risks of vaping.

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This article was written by one of ECigIntelligence’s international correspondents. We currently employ more than 40 reporters around the world to cover individual vaping markets. For a full list, please see our Who We Are page.

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