This report analyses the current state of the e-cigarette market in China, how it has changed, and what to expect, covering market sizes, vaping population, retail channels, form factors and flavour bans ...
While China is the supplier of e-cigarettes to the world, the domestic vapour market is small, slow-growing – and faces the uncertainty of future regulation, or even a total takeover, by the state tobacco monopoly...
This ECigIntelligence market snapshot for China covers key indicators such as recent, present and predicted market size, an indication of regulation level and an overview of the top available brands ...
In our latest look at the market in China, we focus on online sales and look at which sites dominate, which brands and form factors are popular and how the future...
Despite negative publicity on a national TV show and static numbers of vapers, the market for e-cigarettes continues to grow in China as consumer preferences change. ECigIntelligence investigates in its latest market...
Written by Nicolás Leonardo Dejtiar | 30th April 2018
As the vaping lifestyle trend expires, the Chinese vaping industry struggles to become an option for smokers in a country where smoking is culturally ingrained. Meanwhile, vape stores close and the big online marketplaces dominate...
China’s domestic market has grown substantially during 2016 and the early part of 2017, with a major increase in the number of vape stores, and large growth in the major online sales...
In this report ECigIntelligence takes an in-depth look at the market in China. The world's most highly populated country is for now a largely untapped potential market for e-cigarettes, despite most of the world's vaping...
The e-cig industry is driven by rapidly growing consumer demand, splintered by diverse technologies, threatened by regulation, and niggled at by medical doubts. So the team at ECigIntelligence has drafted a SWOT analysis for the...
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