Policy and Politics

No relief from deeming regs as US Senate approves key spending bill

21st July 2017 - News analysis |

The industry’s hopes that a US federal spending bill would reduce the impact of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) deeming regulations were disappointed this week when a Senate committee approved a version that makes no reference to tobacco products.

Passed unanimously by the Senate Appropriations Committee, the measure remained silent not only on e-cigarettes but on tobacco products in general.

Hardware notification in Denmark: questions answered

12th May 2017 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

From 7th June 2017, all e-cig products launched in Denmark must meet the new requirements for notification and ones that don’t must be removed from the market. As the transitional period is approaching, questions concerning hardware notification are being raised by many of our subscribers. This guide aims to clarify any particularities you may face in the process of hardware notification.

Belgium: online sales ban benefits French firms

11th April 2017 - Country market reports , Market reports |

In our latest report on Belgium, we find that the market is only growing slowly due to online restrictions following the implementation of the TPD. Online sales are banned, meaning sites can only offer in-store collection, and having to print packaging in three languages has proved a barrier to some manufacturers. Meanwhile, French companies – the source of much of the e-liquid – have a strong presence in the south of the country.