Portugal market adapting to new regulations and lower tax

30th August 2017 - Country market reports , Market reports |

After the fall of the market size due the e-liquid tax, it seems both companies and vapers have now adapted to the new regulation. As the market starts to grow again, we find advance modular systems have a high prevalence. With distance sales forbidden, Portugal stores have adapted the same strategy as companies in Belgium and Austria: the catalogue is online but there is no delivery.

Shake and vape: the legal implications in the EU

24th August 2017 - Regulatory reports , Topic regulatory reports |

The sale of ingredients for shake and vape – enabling users to mix their own nicotine and non-nicotine e-liquids – is a legal grey area for sellers in many European countries, as it can be a way to get round TPD quantity restrictions on nicotine-containing liquids. In this report, ECigIntelligence looks into the matter in detail.

Bulgaria: scope for further development

18th August 2017 - Country market reports , Market reports |

The Bulgarian e-cig market is currently worth BGN78m ($47m in 2017), with 200,000 vapers. Almost one in 20 Bulgarians regularly uses e-cigarettes – nearly half because they can vape in places where smoking is banned. The online channel is undeveloped and most sales are offline. However, we believe there is scope for the market to develop further.

Industry expecting growth of undeveloped Serbia market

25th July 2017 - Country market reports , Market reports |

In this July 2017 report we find that the Serbian e-cigarette market is rather undeveloped, but along with the local industry we expect growth. Electronic cigarettes are only partially regulated, with an advertisement ban and excise duty on e-liquids both with and without nicotine. However, EU accession may bring about new regulation.

Revenue driven by physical stores in Greece

10th July 2017 - Market reports , Topic market reports |

This ECigIntelligence survey took place between April and June 2017. We found there are around 500 specialised vape stores at this moment in Greece, averaging a monthly revenue of around €10,000, of which 70% was reported to come from physical stores. Sales of e-liquid generated around 60% of revenue.

Hardware notification in Denmark: questions answered

12th May 2017 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

From 7th June 2017, all e-cig products launched in Denmark must meet the new requirements for notification and ones that don’t must be removed from the market. As the transitional period is approaching, questions concerning hardware notification are being raised by many of our subscribers. This guide aims to clarify any particularities you may face in the process of hardware notification.

Estonia: online ban, taxes on the way

18th April 2017 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

While The Tobacco Act classes e-cigarettes as tobacco-related products, Estonia’s government is considering a draft amendment to that bill that could see domestic online sales may be banned in 2019. Currently, e-liquid is not taxed, but that is likely to change in 2018, when e-liquids could be taxed at the rate of €0.2 per millilitre.