ECigIntelligence - complete coverage of e-liquid

Popularity of shake and vape on the rise in Germany

29th November 2017 - Market reports , Topic market reports |

As shake and vape grows in popularity, ECigIntelligence takes a look at the German market in detail and finds that experienced vapers in Germany mostly use their own-mixed e-liquids, which can help in avoiding TPD restrictions for e-liquid-containing nicotine. This trend seems to have grown in Germany since May 2017, and almost half of the e-liquid brands sold in Germany are ready to mix.

Italy consumer survey: low-nicotine e-liquids prove most popular

22nd November 2017 - Market reports , Topic market reports |

Our consumer survey took place from September to October 2017. Most respondents were ex-smokers, with around a third vaping for more than two years. The majority of our respondents where male and aged between 25 and 44.
We found that advanced devices dominate, and more than 60% of respondents are mixing their own e-liquid. E-liquids containing low nicotine content are reportedly the most popular.

Revenue driven by physical stores in Greece

10th July 2017 - Market reports , Topic market reports |

This ECigIntelligence survey took place between April and June 2017. We found there are around 500 specialised vape stores at this moment in Greece, averaging a monthly revenue of around €10,000, of which 70% was reported to come from physical stores. Sales of e-liquid generated around 60% of revenue.

UK vape store owners optimistic following TPD implementation

20th June 2017 - Market reports , Topic market reports |

In our latest survey of the UK market, we find that sales of e-liquids generated around 60% of revenue. The e-liquid market is fragmented, while the hardware sector is much more consolidated. Top five brands of devices reported gather around 60% of the market in comparison with top five e-liquid brands that gather around 20%. Fruit and menthol were reported as the most popular flavours.