Iceland regulates e-cigs for the first time
22nd June 2018 - News analysis |
Iceland passed a new law to specifically regulate and potentially tax e-cigarettes for the first time at a legislative session held last week.
Iceland passed a new law to specifically regulate and potentially tax e-cigarettes for the first time at a legislative session held last week.
A British lawyer and engineer has warned manufacturers of nicotine-free e-liquid they still need to comply with legislation concerning the quality of liquids
In our latest look at the Dutch regulations, we find that The Netherlands recently decided to go beyond the TPD, regulating nicotine-free e-cigs fully in the same way as nicotine containing ones
The Independent British Vape Trade Association (IBVTA) says its members are losing business to companies selling illegal products – while in Ireland official inspections found a low level of compliance with regulations
In our latest look at the regulatory picture in Slovakia we see that e-cigarettes are not covered by any excise tax, e-cigs with and without nicotine have mild retail restrictions and notification is free of charge
A few weeks after the launch of the Juul vaping device on the Israeli market, the Ministry of Health has announced restrictive measures against its sale, claiming it contains too much nicotine
The market for cannabidiol (CDB) e-liquid is hotting up in Germany. It’s an emerging industry, so stakeholders are limited and no brand dominates, but new players are moving in as public interest continues to grow
More medically-licensed e-cigarettes could help shore up consumer confidence in the British market and reduce confusion, an industry scientist suggested at a vaping industry conference in London
A UK firm that supplies e-liquid sampling units to several European countries claims the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) has had an adverse effect on its business. Vapedex also calls for better hygiene in vape stores
The Greek Ministry of Health has issued two circulars on e-cig regulation, clearing up a legal grey area by insisting that both CBD and shake-and-vape products are banned in the country
In our latest look at the Belgian market, we see that the authorities publish two lists of notified products — one positive, one negative. The majority of notified products in Belgium are e-liquids
A draft bill to regulate the use of nicotine-containing e-cigarettesin Russia has received the approval of the Ministry of Economic Development – but the Ministry of Health considers the proposal “a conflict of laws”
Two years on from transposing the TPD, we can see physical stores leading Denmark’s e-cigarette retail market. However we believe an increase in availability of e-cigarettes through online vape stores is probable
A set of industry-designed standards could inform future national Chinese standards for e-cigarette products– said to be expected within 24 months
Two major German e-cig importers and retailers, InnoCigs and Be Posh, are embroiled in a legal controversy over the notification requirements under the country’s version of the European TPD
A legal controversy between two of Germany’s major e-cig importers and retailers over the notification requirements of the German version of the TPD could help to clear up a partly unresolved question about the regulation
In our latest look at Poland we find that a tax on all e-liquids will apply as of January 2019, distance sales are prohibited and new, slightly higher, notification fees now apply
Spain transposed the EU TPD into national law in 2017. Law 28/2005 in its consolidated version now regulates all aspects of the use, sale and promotion of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes
A vaping versus pharma fight over advertising has emerged in evidence being given to the UK government, with Johnson & Johnson for Big Pharma taking on the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA)
ECigIntelligence guides you through the sometimes uncertain legal framework that applies in the UK to cannabidiol (CBD) in general, and CBD-containing e-liquids in particular
The Italian Customs and Monopolies Agency (AAMS) has issued a bulletin informing the country’s e-cigarette industry of its interpretation of legal requirements arising from the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD)
ECigIntelligence looks at the pricing and products range in e-liquids and hardware categories across the top five e-cigarette retailer websites in the UK and finds a shift towards advanced hardware products
The UK health department is urging people to report companies to their local trading standards team if they manufacture, sell, or distribute e-liquids which may appeal to children through resemblance to food items
In our latest look at the regulations in Austria, we see that Austrian legislation regulates both nicotine-free and nicotine-containing products, going further than the TPD
What laws regulate the use of cannabidiol (CBD) in e-liquids across the European Union – and what regulatory regime is likely to apply in the future? Our report finds the clear lines in a legal grey area
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids that can be found in cannabis. While the cannabis plant itself, and many drugs that are extracted from it, are illegal in most parts of the world, CBD, which is non-intoxicating, is not
Exhibitors at Germany’s biggest vape fair, this weekend’s Hall of Vape event in Stuttgart, have been advised to check carefully that their e-liquids are labelled correctly in accordance with national and European law
In our latest look at the Italian market, ECigIntelligence has studied the latest prices and range of products for hardware products online and compared them with Q4 of 2017
The Swiss Federal Administrative Court has reportedly lifted the sales ban on nicotine-containing e-cigarettes issued in 2015 by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (BLV)
The Greek Ministry of Health recently published a statement on its website that electronic cigarettes without nicotine are not legal in the country “in accordance with national and European legislation”.
A national survey of alcohol and tobacco use found that cigarette smoking in Iceland is decreasing, while vaping increased by a third – from 6% to 8% of the adult population – between 2016 and 2017
In this special report, ECigIntelligence looks at how heated tobacco (heat-not-burn) and hybrid products are gaining ground in the world’s tobacco and vapour market
Montenegro’s health ministry has drafted a TPD-style proposal that will regulate nicotine vaping products in the country for the first time as it prepares to join the European Union in 2025
E-cigarettes with nicotine will become legal this year in Norway, where the sale of all nicotine-containing products other than traditional tobacco products has been banned since 1989
ECigIntelligence’s latest online survey of the Greek e-cigarette market found advanced devices dominate, with a high proportion of respondents mixing their own e-liquids
E-cigarettes and heated tobacco are currently subject to very little regulation in Russia – but that could be about to change, with proposals coming from both the federal trade ministry and the Moscow City Duma
The MHRA, Britain’s pharmaceutical regulator, is currently encouraging and supporting companies to submit medicines authorisation applications for e-cigarette products. Here we explain what that process entails
Selling vaping products cross-border from Greece to other EU member states is allowed – provided that country does not prohibit such sales – but no legal trade can come the other way
As shake and vape products increase in popularity in Europe in response to the restrictions imposed by the EU’s TPD, we take a close look at country-by-country regulation
While the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) provides a common regulatory framework for e-cigarettes across the European Union, the attitude of public health authorities still varies widely from one country to another
Ukraine’s current regulatory setup is lenient on e-cigs but with politicians keen to foster stronger links with the EU, and with acts now in force to strengthen existing relations, it’s only a matter of time before the European Union Association Agreement leads to tighter regulations
France is a mature e-cig market that is growing at a stable pace. The main distribution channel for vapour products is around 2500 vape stores but we expect sales to increase significantly in tobacconists
In our latest look at the UK market we see that the distribution share of mainstream retail has remained stable. The channel is dominated by tobacco companies and it is difficult for small companies to access the channel
In our latest look at the Spanish market, we see that open system products dominate, online remains the most important distribution channel and IQOS is the only Big Tobacco e-cig product currently available
Estonia is one of the most severe environments for the vaping industry in Europe. Cross-border distance sales are prohibited, while domestic online sales will be banned as of 1 July, 2019
A new study has found that found that a closer relationship with health professionals could lead to an increase in business – despite both staff and customers not considering smoking cessation as the main role of a vape shop
The latest evidence review by Public Health England credits e-cigs with helping 20,000 people a year quit smoking, and blames distorted media reporting for that figure not being a lot higher
Authorities in the Catalonia region of Spain are investigating whether PMI broke Spanish law with a series of online banner advertisements for its IQOS heated tobacco system
Norway is likely to end its ban on e-cigarettes in mid-2018. However, vapour products are subject to detailed regulations and the Norwegian authorities have extended the EU’s TPD to cover nicotine-free products
Our updated report on the current state of e-cigarette regulation in Greece includes interpretation from the customs authority on what is covered by the cross-border distance sales ban and news of a legal challenge to the ban on public vaping
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