New Royal Decree will overhaul regulation of e-cigs in Belgium

24th November 2016 - News analysis |

A newly-issued Royal Decree will regulate the market for e-cigarettes in Belgium and introduce some substantial changes from the early 2016 decree, which was suspended in March. One of the main points of this new document published in the Belgian official journal Le Moniteur is the ban on distance sales (e.g. online or by phone) of e-cig and e-liquids. The TPD leaves this measure to » Continue Reading.

Greece enjoys return to growth ahead of TPD deadline

23rd November 2016 - Country market reports , Market reports |

In this ECigIntelligence report, we find that two years on from the first period of strong growth, 2016 seems to have been a good year for the Greek e-cigarette market as it has experienced its second “boom”. Although the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) has been implemented, local producers remain positive – presenting the Greek market as a market with huge potential.

Boom year in Italy as vaping population triples

7th November 2016 - News analysis |

Italy’s vaping population has more than tripled in the past year, bringing the number of e-cigarette users back to the levels of 2013, before the 2014 crash – and the rise is set to continue, with greater market visibility and an increase in the number of vape stores.

Italy: light-touch TPD transposition with minimal restrictions

21st October 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

Italy has adopted a light touch approach to implementing the European TPD regulations, with only minimum restrictions on the e-cigarette industry. There is only a limited ban on advertising, and no restriction on public use of e-cigs. Cross-border sales are prohibited, but domestic distance sales are allowed. Our report provides a full examination of all aspects of post-TPD e-cigarette regulation in Italy.

Netherlands: TPD followed closely, but some issues remain unresolved

20th October 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

Regulation of vape products in the Netherlands follows closely the provisions of the European Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). But although the vaping industry is highly regulated, a few issues remain to be resolved, such as what laboratories will be accredited for product testing. This complete regulatory report examines in detail every aspect of e-cigarette regulation in the Netherlands.

Croatia regulatory report: TPD finally being transposed

23rd September 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

E-cigarette products are in the process of being regulated in Croatia, by transposing the Tobacco Product Directive (TPD), once the government is established. We expect the Draft Act on Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products to be passed by the end of 2016, or early 2017. The delay in transposition led the European Commission (EC) to take an infringement decision against Croatia.

European retailers face complex rules on in-store marketing

20th September 2016 - Regulatory reports , Topic regulatory reports |

ECigIntelligence has taken an in-depth look at the current situation for e-cigarette point of sale advertising in six of the biggest e-cig markets in Europe, offering guidance on what can and can’t be done in-store. It is important to take into account that regulation is still developing in many countries, and enforcement and interpretation by authorities is still to be seen.

France regulatory report: public spaces relaxed, ads banned

5th September 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

One of the world’s largest e-cig markets, France has transposed the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) in several pieces of legislation, starting with the Health Law plus decrees and ordinances with more detailed product specific regulation for e-cigarettes.

The most stringent provision has been an almost complete ban on any type of advertising and sponsorship, which equalises the e-cig regime with that of tobacco.

The EU’s TPD: latest news, reports and trackers

31st August 2016 - News analysis |

This page provides an updated repository for all major ECigIntelligence articles, reports and database trackers concerning the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) going back to 4th July 2016. Older articles dating to the start of the year can be found on this summary page. Information preceding that can be located through the search facility or our archive of European country reports, regulatory trackers, » Continue Reading.

Exclusive Platinum subscriber download: the TPD era guide

18th August 2016 - Regulatory reports , Topic regulatory reports |

ECigIntelligence recently published a new guide to Europe’s post-Tobacco Products Directive era, a 152-page book packed with information every e-cig business needs to conduct business in the world’s largest economic area. ECigIntelligence Platinum subscribers can download a complimentary copy of The TPD era: e-cigarette regulation in Europe – 2016 and beyond. Non-Platinum subscribers can download a free excerpt preview of the » Continue Reading.

TPD compliance: what to test and how to test it

17th August 2016 - Regulatory reports , Topic regulatory reports |

The EU’s Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) demands that manufacturers supply information on the ingredients and components of e-cig products, as well as testing ingredients and carrying out toxicological assessments – but it is vague on the detail of what to test and how. More clarity has been forthcoming from the European Commission (EC), however, with guidance on its expectations for testing.

Irish regulatory report: TPD law includes unusual packaging rule

12th August 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

  There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on this territory. Please visit the home page for Ireland or the advanced search page.       Executive summary   Ireland’s transposition of the TPD has been quite straightforward, with no tax on e-cigs, and advertising restricted as per the TPD. There is one unique restriction in Ireland’s law, however. The product presentation – the » Continue Reading.

Russia: regulations expected by 2017

5th August 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

  There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on this territory. Please visit the home page for Russia or the advanced search page.         Executive summary   • E-cigarette products are mainly unregulated in Russia, aside from general consumer and safety regulation.
• Several initiatives to regulate policy are currently being discussed at the State Duma. These cover areas such » Continue Reading.

Regulatory report: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

3rd August 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

  There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on these territories. Please visit the full list of regulatory reports, or the advanced search page.       Executive summary   Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are often collectively known as the Baltic states; these adjacent countries are located in north-eastern Europe at the easternmost edge of the European Union (EU), bordering Poland, and the » Continue Reading.

Video presentation: disharmony and the EU TPD

30th June 2016 - News analysis |

At June’s Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw, ECigIntelligence editorial director Barnaby Page took a look at some of the inconsistencies that are emerging in European regulation of e-cigarettes despite the standardisation imposed by the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). Here is his presentation.

Denmark vaper population stalls; light growth expected

15th June 2016 - Country market reports , Market reports |

  There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on this territory. Please visit the home page for Denmark or the advanced search page.         Executive summary   For 2016 we estimate the Danish market to be roughly US $26 million, a slight decrease from our estimate in 2014, explained mostly by decreased average prices across product categories studied. We expect positive, » Continue Reading.

Germany’s post-TPD journey begins; further rules on the way

1st June 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

  There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on this territory. Please visit the home page for Germany or the advanced search page.         Executive summary   On 20th May, the European Union’s (EU’s) Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) came into force in Germany, regulating e-cigarettes as tobacco-related products. A draft proposal extending the advertising ban and other restrictions to nicotine-free e-cigarettes » Continue Reading.