Vype is the dominant vaping brand in Quebec’s convenience stores, followed by Juul, according to recent research by market analysts at ECigIntelligence ...
San Francisco businesses large and small are braced for a severe impact from the blanket ban on the sale, manufacture, and distribution of e-cigarettes within the city limits ...
Ohio looks set be the next US state to raise the minimum purchasing age for e-cigarettes, from 18 to 21. It comes along with a budget proposal that would levy a hefty tax on vaping...
The South Korean government is running a campaign to discourage use of tobacco products, in response to recent launches of Juul and a similar device from KT&G ...
A recently-developed testing method called Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection (GARD) could prove a valuable tool for the e-cig industry, claims a new study sponsored by the makers of Blu ...
Health Canada has written to thousands of vaping retailers warning them that inspectors will be visiting them "to verify compliance with the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act" ...
The US FDA has created a new digital age verification calendar to help retailers to avoid selling e-cigs and other tobacco products to under-age customers ...
A large majority of British children have never even tried vaping, new survey data shows, although it is a regular pursuit for a small minority, and more popular among older teenagers ...
Reusable e-cigarettes and heated tobacco devices could soon be taxed in Russia for the first time as part of a review of the country’s taxation system ...
British American Tobacco (BAT) is expecting its next-generation portfolio, including vaping and heated tobacco products, to grow between 30-50% in 2019 ...
The US FDA has published its long awaited guidance for premarket tobacco products applications (PMTAs) for e-cigarettes, including a number of non-binding recommendations for vaping manufacturers ...
Industry and unions in Hong Kong have warned that a proposed ban on e-cigarettes could undermine the city’s status as a major hub for their import and export ...
Legislators in San Francisco have advanced a bill to ban the sale of e-cigs in the city until the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reviewed the products ...
Young people in the US state of Michigan will risk criminal charges for possession of an e-cigarette after governor Gretchen Whitmer signed two new bills into law ...
Various US jurisdictions have adopted new tax regimes or amended existing ones that treat e-cigs like tobacco products in order to fight youth uptake ...
Public Health England (PHE) found that there is a “steady progress” in National Health Service Trusts becoming smoke-free environments, and the organisation has welcomed the policies that some hospitals are implementing on creating designated vaping...
Japan continues to be the leading test market for heated tobacco products, with two new devices recently launched – including the world’s first device which works with ordinary cigarettes.
SMV Japan, which lays claim to being...
Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County, home to countless stars of the entertainment business, is heading for the most stringent tobacco sales ban in the US ...
Several states in India are pressing ahead with e-cig bans, despite a court judgement preventing the national government insisting on total prohibition of vaping products ...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to visit vapour manufacturers in an effort to better understand the development, manufacturing, and testing of electronic delivery nicotine systems, as it pushes forward in its regulation...
Belgium is to raise the legal age for purchasing tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, and ban vaping in private vehicles when minors are present ...
The rising popularity of tobacco alternatives as well as new regulations on the way will make the e-cigarette issue hard to ignore after this week's European elections ...
A federal judge has ordered the US FDA to accelerate its reviewing of e-cigarettes currently on the market. Meanwhile, North Carolina’s attorney general is taking Juul to court ...
In the words of acting commissioner Ned Sharpless, the US FDA remains set on fighting the “epidemic of e-cigarette use by kids” and on “strategies to help those who are already addicted” ...
The government of Quebec must decide by early June whether to appeal against a Quebec Superior Court judgement that struck down several restrictions on promoting vaping ...
Dutch health secretary Paul Blokhuis has further defended his position that electronic cigarettes are not a successful tool for giving up smoking and provided details on upcoming regulations ...
The California state legislature is considering a proposed law that would have an important impact in the local e-cigarette industry. Senate bill 424 would ban disposable and other single-use nicotine products to any person “of...
Imperial Brands will see its vapour and heated tobacco revenues rise by 245% over the course of the year, according to new financial information published this week ...
A call by the WHO for governments to enforce bans on all tobacco or e-cigarette advertising and sponsorship in sports events has had no formal response from the world of motor racing ...
Charlie’s Chalk Dust, one of the best known American e-liquid brands, has announced its entry into the CBD sector following its acquisition by a drinks company with CBD interests ...
An Arizona bill that has the support of the e-cigarette and tobacco industries would raise the state's minimum legal age for purchasing nicotine and tobacco products from 18 to 21, but tobacco control activists are...
China is set to enforce new industry standards for electronic cigarettes, laid out in detail in a recent submission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) ...
Lawmakers in Florida are at the end of the state’s annual legislative session. During this year’s session, members of both chambers and political parties supported several measures that would restrict the sale and use of...
New Zealand has set in stone its objective of becoming a smoke-free country, and the latest measure to achieve this by 2025 is a plan to raise public awareness of vaping as a way to...
The UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is investigating a complaint that a social media campaign for Vype e-cigarettes targets children and young people ...