Health and science

E-cigarette researchers outraged by charities’ “threatening” letters

11th October 2016 - Marketing & retailing , News analysis |

Scientists and researchers have said that anti-smoking charities are acting like the anti-Communist zealots of the 1950s McCarthy era in trying to keep them away from an international conference on tobacco and nicotine. One public-health expert said: “The tactic is to say ‘tobacco industry’ like senator Joseph McCarthy would once say ‘communist’ and assume that the argument ends there.” Another » Continue Reading.

Croatia regulatory report: TPD finally being transposed

23rd September 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

E-cigarette products are in the process of being regulated in Croatia, by transposing the Tobacco Product Directive (TPD), once the government is established. We expect the Draft Act on Restriction of the Use of Tobacco Products to be passed by the end of 2016, or early 2017. The delay in transposition led the European Commission (EC) to take an infringement decision against Croatia.

Smoking, vaping, free will, demonic possession and tax

2nd September 2016 - News analysis |

Nearly all smokers would be better off moving to lower-risk alternatives than giving up nicotine completely; taxing e-cigs has no rational justification; society should be prepared for more non-smokers to take up vaping; and tobacco control is often built on a “demonic possession theory”. These are among the conclusions of a provocative new paper published by the Institute of Economic Affairs and written by Carl V. Phillips.

Russia: regulations expected by 2017

5th August 2016 - Country regulatory reports , Regulatory reports |

Contents1 Executive summary2 Regulatory landscape3 National regulatory framework4 Age restrictions5 Labelling and packaging6 Retail channel restrictions (including cross-border and distance sales)7 Public usage8 Advertising and marketing9 Taxation10 Enforcement11 Case law12 Future developments   There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on this territory. Please visit the home page for Russia or the advanced search page.         Executive summary   • E-cigarette » Continue Reading.

New Netherlands study reviews danger from exhaled vapour

2nd August 2016 - News analysis |

A recent study and review by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands has brought to the fore questions regarding e-cigarette vapour testing methods and the possible health risks of passive vaping. The rationale for banning e-cigs in enclosed public places falls into two main camps: ‘renormalisation’ of smoking and possible safety concerns of passive » Continue Reading.

Deeming regs: challenges to the sampling ban

29th July 2016 - Regulatory reports , Topic regulatory reports |

When the U.S. deeming regulations come into effect on 8th of August, the distribution of free e-liquid samples will be prohibited in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) justifies this ban as necessary for the protection of the public health but retailers believe it will undermine their profits without having a noticeable public health benefit. What challenges follow?

Making a myth: teens, e-cigs, science and the media

25th July 2016 - News analysis |

A new U.S. study claiming to show a link between youth e-cigarette use and tobacco smoking has not only been criticised by many scientists working in the field, but also demonstrates how misconceptions and misinformation on the topic of vaping spread through the media.

EU study finds “highest rate of smoking cessation ever”

27th June 2016 - News analysis |

However badly Britain’s skeptical Brexiters may feel the European Union has failed them, it appears to have delivered a big new prize to advocates of vaping: new research showing that 6.1m Europeans have given up smoking with the use of electronic cigarettes, with possibly the highest quit and reduction rates yet seen in a population survey.

The deeming rule and PMTAs: what it all means for manufacturers

26th June 2016 - Regulatory reports , Topic regulatory reports |

Contents1 Introduction2 Why an ENDS product requires FDA approval3 Pathways to approval4 The FDA guidance on PMTAs5 PMTAs, public health, and scientific studies     There may be more recent ECigIntelligence reports on this territory. Please visit the home page for the United States or the advanced search page.       Introduction   On 10th May, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) » Continue Reading.

Third Indian state bans e-cigs, citing youth addiction

21st June 2016 - News analysis |

The Indian state of Karnataka has become the third to ban e-cigarettes. It follows Maharahstra and Punjab in what appears likely to become a subcontinental trend, as India’s tobacco control tightens and grave concerns about the health risks of vaping are repeatedly pronounced by officials.

Cessation evidence unclear, but second-gen devices may help

24th May 2016 - News analysis |

A new systematic review of e-cigarettes and smoking cessation is claimed to be the most comprehensive so far as it covers not only published, peer-reviewed studies – including observational research as well as RCTs – but also so-called “grey literature”, material published outside of peer review.