The EU’s TPD: latest news, reports and trackers

ECigIntelligence TPD logo - full coverage 900x540This page provides an updated repository for all major ECigIntelligence articles, reports and database trackers concerning the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) going back to 4th July 2016.

Older articles dating to the start of the year can be found on this summary page. Information preceding that can be located through the search facility or our archive of European country reports, regulatory trackers, and news.



News articles


20th February Czech Republic TPD implementation leaves a few uncertainties

15th February Greece introduces new regulation while vaping market booms

9th February Four to go as Sweden announces draft bill to transpose TPD

27th January European court will consider challenge to EU snus ban

25th January NNA joins UK High Court bid to overturn European snus ban

12th January ECigIntelligence online tutorial makes sense of UK advertising law

30th December 2016 in e-cigarettes – rapid change, new regulation, and some shocks

19th December Totally Wicked told sponsorship is legal, despite crossing borders

17th December France reduces TPD notification fees and relaxes calendar

8th December Vaping products under new classification in Belgium

7th December TPD test requirements criticised as vague: what can manufacturers do?

29th November European Commission seeks views on harmonising e-cig taxes

24th November Hungary moves to ban flavoured e-liquids, but Greece denies plans

24th November UK asks EU to clarify TPD rules on maximum tank size

24th November New Royal Decree will overhaul regulation of e-cigs in Belgium

17th November Notifications accelerate as TPD deadline approaches fast

7th November Boom year in Italy as vaping population triples

4th November Blu launches TPD range, offers deep discounts on older product

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4th November France endorses e-cigs for cessation after talks with vape groups

26th October Heat-not-burn poses novel challenge for European regulators

14th October “Dark Web” warning as Europe gets wires crossed on cross-border sales

6th October TPD poses tricky problems for small vape retailers in Netherlands

26th September European e-cig firms face complex point-of-sale marketing rules

18th September Online sellers shut their Websites as bans begin to bite

30th August TPD infringement proceedings initiated against 19 member states

26th August France lays out TPD notification fees, offers to reduce delays

8th July House of Lords decides not to censure UK’s TPD transposition

4th July Previous TPD news coverage



In-depth reports


20th September European retailers face complex rules on in-store marketing

9th September Advertising, promotion and sponsorship in post-TPD Europe

1st September The TPD’s impact on product design explained

1st September The TPD and product labelling: information requests and doubts

18th August Download: the TPD era guide (Platinum subscribers only)

17th August TPD compliance: what to test and how to test it




Key facts


The EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD): essential facts

Freddie Dawson

Senior news editor
Freddie studied at King’s College, London and City University and worked for publications including The Times, The Malay Mail, PathfinderBuzz and Solar Summary before joining the ECigIntelligence team. He has extensive experience in covering fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), manufacturing and technological innovation.

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