The number of applications thrown in the metaphorical dumpster is huge, but so is number of outstanding applications, and the question remains how the FDA can possibly deal with all of them ...
Australian consumers will soon be able to obtain medically licensed nicotine-containing e-cigarettes from community and online pharmacies, but questions remain ...
In the heavyweight battle over e-cigarettes between the World Health Organization and the world’s vaping advocates, does anyone really have incontrovertible evidence on their side? ...
When a driver dropped a lit cigarette into his lap it could have caused a tragic traffic accident: are such perils the real reason to quit smoking? And are facial injuries a key argument against...
Up to now the received wisdom has been that taking distinctive branding off cigarette packs and making them all the same drab, ugly brown will dissuade people from buying them. Now a new study throws...
The US press are calling it a “fight for survival” for the e-cigarette giant – but as one experts says, “The FDA has to evaluate this in a forward-looking way and can’t really punish Juul”...
On one side, the firmly-held belief that they entice youth into vaping. On the other, the equally strong view that they are vital in weaning smokers off their deadly habit. So what does the science...
Is vaping or smoking a risk factor for Covid-19 – or could it even be protective? Your answer to that question may say more about you than it does about the science ...
Advocates for e-cigarettes are often infuriated with the position taken by the World Health Organization towards vaping – but might there be some fair reason behind the WHO’s less-than-enthusiastic stance? ...
The END ENDS Act – it sounds like an existential threat to the whole e-cigarette industry in the US. Or at least an end to the legal e-cigarette industry. The reality is rather less extreme...
Smokers visiting A&E departments in five UK hospitals are being offered free e-cigarette starter packs in a 30-day trial to determine their effectiveness in smoking cessation ...
News that the Biden administration is considering reducing nicotine levels in combustible cigarettes in the US has affected stock prices in the UK – and has potentially interesting implications for the vaping market ...
Does the World Health Organization’s absolute opposition to vaping truly serve the cause of global health? The UK parliamentary panel looking into the question doesn’t think so ...
New research suggests “exposure to e-cigarette product placement in music videos is associated with vaping among young adults”. Meanwhile, back in the Marvel universe, something strange is stirring ...
Is vaping by young people really as bad for public health as orthodox opinion would have it? Are young vapers really more likely to become smokers – and if so, why? New research should make...
A new study has found that the use of high-strength nicotine e-cigarettes can help adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders quit smoking. And that can be both a life-saver and a life-improver ...
This week’s most prominent vaping story has come with headlines like “Teens vaping pot face more health risk than cigarette smokers”. Which turns out on examination to be somewhat less than the truth ...
Who plans to ban e-cigarettes? You may well ask. But if you only read the headlines on the news stands – and, let’s face it, that’s how a lot of people get their general sense...
When it comes to scare stories that whip up unfounded associations with Covid-19, you have to question how responsible that is. Take these two recent reports from the British press ...
Is negative publicity for e-cigarettes driving people back to smoking? It seems something is, at least in the US – despite, or perhaps even because of, the Covid-19 pandemic ...
What is an e-cigarette? You would think that by now that would be an easy question to answer – but it seems some folk are still confused, and spreading confusion ...
Has the pandemic brought an end to the so-called epidemic of teen vaping? Is it even the beginning of the end? It’s too complex and too early to tell for sure ...
Everyone from Big Tobacco to the small vape store will have a keen eye on who president-elect Joe Biden picks to be the next chief of the FDA, the US agency with responsibility for regulating...
It’s the question that goes right to heart of e-cigarette regulation – and anxiety about it – all across the world: How can e-cigarettes be kept out of the hands of young people? ...
Can synthetic nicotine possibly be classified as tobacco? At the most straightforward level, the answer has to be “no”. But it’s a bit more complicated than that ...
While small private enterprises may be allowed – even encouraged – to thrive, there is always the chance that too rapid growth may provoke the state corporation to move in ...
Will a Biden victory spell tougher times for the US e-cigarette industry? The short and obvious is: probably. But of course it’s more complicated than that ...
Is there a scientific consensus on the harmfulness of e-cigarettes? The latest review of the best science on the subject suggests that certain widely-held views don't have the evidence behind them ...
Is youth vaping a typical passing teenage fad? If we’re to believe the self-styled “#1 site for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment”, the answer would appear to be yes ...
A widely reported university study has called for the terminology of vaping to be more accurate – but how accurate is the language of the study itself? ...
Was the much-trumpeted rise in youth vaping responsible for last year’s outbreak of vape-related lung injury (EVALI) in the US? The short answer can be given in one word ...
Do restrictions on e-cigarettes, such as flavour bans, send users back to smoking? No doubt it’s the law of unintended consequences at work, but the answer would seem to be “yes” ...
If 65% of Australia’s teenagers are vaping, where are they all? And, you might ask, where are they getting their vapes, since nicotine vapour products are effectively banned in Australia ...
The vexed question of the distinction between vaping and smoking, often confused by rulemakers at all levels, has arisen in the very heart of one of the world's largest and most influential rulemaking bodies ...
Netherlands health secretary Paul Blokhuis is a committed opponent of smoking and vaping. But has he got it right in his plan to ban all e-cig flavours except tobacco? There are reasons to think he...
Health minister Greg Hunt this week announced a ban on all e-cigarette imports except under medical prescription – effectively a total vaping ban in a country where imports were previously the only legal way...
Could China, where most of the world’s e-cigarettes are made, actually be considering banning them? It could have major global repercussions for the whole vaping industry – and so, potentially, for levels of smoking –...