ECigIntelligence’s annual survey of US vape stores finds a drop in monthly revenue; an increase in disposables stocks and a decrease in e-liquids and hardware; and concerns over business continuing to slow ...
This report takes a dive into data found in ECigIntelligence’s disposable e-cigarette tracker, looking at features such as price, flavours, nicotine strength and technical features ...
This report focuses on comparing the nicotine consumption journey in the UK and the US by analysing the time periods through which respondents used different nicotine products, including traditional cigarettes, vaping products and nicotine pouches...
This report aims to identify patterns and gain insight into what a typical nicotine journey looks like in the US and users’ reasons for switching from one source of nicotine to another ...
ECigIntelligence’s annual survey of US vape stores finds a boost in monthly revenue; increases in product category diversification, disposables stocks and cannabis-derived products; and concerns over FDA requirements and other factors that could slow business...
This report focuses on the nicotine consumption journey in the UK by analysing the time periods for which each respondent has used tobacco alternatives – such as vaping products and nicotine pouches – in addition...
Poland adopted the European Union’s Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) in 2016. The report will review the product list published on 1st September 2022, with some references to previous years where applicable ...
This report outlines findings taking from our recent US e-cigarette consumer survey report, which compares results from surveys taken from 2017 to 2021 ...
This report outlines the findings taking from our recent Canadian vape store survey, covering all areas from e-liquid flavours and strengths to form factors, revenue and regulatory impact ...
This report provides insights and comparisons into the disposable e-cigarette sector in nine countries in Latin America – Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela ...
This report is based on the analysis of the current situation in Russia, as the political issues surrounding the conflict with Ukraine have had an indirect impact on the vaping industry ...
This report examines some findings from ECigIntelligence’s hardware tracker. It presents market insights taken from the data, allowing the analysis of trends in the world’s leading vape markets ...
Disposable products gained international traction in 2021, and their popularity has increased dramatically, mostly in North America and Europe. We estimate the category to be worth over $3.3bn in 2022, with over 5m active users...
This report provides detailed information about product definitions and the various methodologies behind our market reports and market data products ...
ECigIntelligence's annual survey of US vape stores finds an increase in stores' revenues, greater confidence among store owners and customers, and a change in the range of products offered ...
This report analyses traffic to online vape retailers around the world, identifying the top markets for internet sales, including from countries where such sales are officially banned ...
The use of traditional tobacco products has been in decline across the EU in recent decades. We conducted a recent study to gauge the economic impact of e-cigarettes and novel nicotine products in Europe ...
Following our more general report general market trends and patterns, this report analyses patterns of hardware and e-liquid usage among vapers in Italy ...
This report analyses the general characteristics, trends and attitudes of vapers in Italy. In-depth reports on hardware and e-liquids will be published separately ...
What do the 6m-plus premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) received by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal about the current state of the US e-cigarette industry? We assess the FDA data ...
This report addresses Russian e-cigarette users’ product choices and behaviour, based on our online consumer survey conducted throughout January and February 2021 ...
This report looks at the UK online channel, with the aim of gauging changes in consumer preferences. This is done by studying the gradual evolution of products offered on the most visited online vape retailers...
This report focuses on the UK online channel and is based on analysis from our quarterly flavour tracker that includes all e-liquids carried by the top five multi-brand online vape retailers in the seven largest...
This report is part of a series focusing on general characteristics, patterns and attitudes of Canadian vapers, based on an online survey carried out in January 2021 ...
This report is one of a series based on an online survey carried out in France between June and August 2020 by ECigIntelligence, focusing specifically on e-liquid usage patterns ...
This report examines Polish vape stores' outlook on the vaping sector, what clients buy, how prices have changed over the years, and which sales channel is the most popular with vapers ...
This report examines the Italian market in relation to recent crises, and expands our 2019 analysis into the other two main distribution channels of the Italian market: online retailers and tobacconists ...
ECigIntelligence has conducted a survey of US vape stores each year since 2016; here we present the findings of our 2020 survey in detail, including an analysis of how EVALI and COVID-19 have affected business...
How many US vape stores have submitted PMTAs to the FDA – and what plans do they have for facing the post-PMTA future? ECigIntelligence presents the preliminary results of its sixth annual US vape store...
This report takes an in-depth look at the Russian online channel, combining the data from our brand and flavour and nicotine trackers, which includes all e-liquid products carried by the top five Russian online retailers...
Written by Hèctor RodrĂguez Tubau | 14th August 2020
This interactive tracking tool presents online traffic changes in the vape retail sector across 32 countries, including analysis of total online traffic evolution per country, total regional online traffic by retailer type, and changes in...
Our survey report provides an overview of e-cigarette consumer habits in the UK and analyses the future of the country's vaping sector, including our forecast of how it is likely to emerge from the coronavirus...
This report examines the online market in Canada, looking at the effects of COVID-19 on vape products’ offer evolution since Q1 2019 on the country’s top five e-cig websites ...
This report looks at the changes in online retail channels for e-cigarette products over the early period of the COVID-19 crisis in four major markets: France, the US, Italy and the UK ...
This report, the first of a series of studies of current topics in the vaping world, looks at flavour preferences of open system users and what consumers will do if their favourite flavours are banned...
Poland transposed the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) in 2016. The law requires notification of products six months before marketing. This report compares the April 2019 and March 2020 lists ...
This report is one of a series of studies coming from a survey carried out in Italy in February 2020 by ECigIntelligence, specifically focusing on hardware usage patterns of Italian vapers and which devices they...
This report is one of a series of studies from our online survey carried out in February 2020. It explores Italian consumer e-liquid preferences, choices and behaviours based on a sample of over 500 respondents...
This report is focused on general characteristics, patterns and attitudes of Italian vapers. It is based on an online survey carried out in February 2020 with the help of industry players, specialist forums, blogs, magazines...