ECigIntelligence - complete coverage of JUUL

BAT announces two new e-cig models with new blade technology

28th December 2018 - News analysis |

British American Tobacco (BAT) has announced the launch of two new models of electronic cigarette that will be added to the company’s vaping portfolio.
The devices, called iSwitch and iSwitch Maxx, are the first to use efficient puretech blade technology, rather than the traditional coil and wick heating system.

Industry and stakeholders react to US Surgeon General’s advisory

21st December 2018 - News analysis |

Tuesday’s advisory on e-cigarettes from US Surgeon General Jerome Adams sparked a response from relevant actors for the industry that fell along the usual lines; industry members indicated displeasure with the advisory, while some tobacco control groups and regulators parroted its talking points or generally indicated support.

Juul advances UK presence in deal with major supermarket chain

30th November 2018 - News analysis |

Controversial US vaping firm Juul Labs has secured a deal to sell its vaping product in one of the UK’s largest supermarket chains.

The most publicised player in the US e-cigarette market started selling its vaping product in its UK stores in early November but now Juul will also be available in Sainsbury’s stores.

E-cig regulation issues are ‘not black and white’, says FDA’s Zeller

22nd October 2018 - News analysis |

Mitch Zeller, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products, gave a keynote address at an e-cigarette conference at New York University’s School of Law on Friday. The long-time tobacco hawk struck a surprisingly conciliatory tone, acknowledging that the issue of how to regulate e-cigs, “is not black-and-white,” and that there’s currently “a stalemate” on harm reduction strategies. Zeller also mentioned the Nasem Report, which reported reduced short-term negative health outcomes from e-cigs and that vape users are less likely to smoke cigarettes.