Malaysia’s latest attempt to put an end to nicotine use among the younger generation is likely to be delayed, or even derailed, with an early election expected to stall the new bill
The Democratic governor of Hawaii appeared to take a step out of line with the US party’s common position when he vetoed a bill that would have introduced a ban on flavoured tobacco and vaping products
It can be hard to be in a minority, with no apparent way of persuading others to your point of view – such as being a harm reduction advocate in a country where e-cigarettes are illegal
This report analyses whether any of the upcoming tobacco-related regulations may be challenged under the major questions doctrine, including the menthol ban and the policy relating to nicotine levels
The fate of two laws feared by Spain’s tobacco and vaping industries is in doubt due to a tight political calendar and uncertainty over future regulation at EU level
Uzbekistan: Parliament was today considering the Conciliation Commission’s views on a bill to restrict the distribution and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products, media reports. The Senate rejected the bill in June, calling for clarification and amendments, after it was approved by the lower house, the Legislative Chamber, at the end of 2021. The bill aims to amend current tobacco » Continue Reading.
In contrast to the UK government’s pro-vaping policy, the devolved administration in Wales is discouraging e-cigarettes over concerns about youth uptake
Uncertainty is mounting over the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s premarket tobacco application (PMTA) process after the agency shifted its position on Juul Labs’ application, leading to searching questions
The aim of this report is to analyse EU legal developments related to the environment that are most likely to impact the e-cigarette sector
Calls for the president to veto the Philippines Vape Regulation Bill – and a change of government – failed to derail the bill as a lack of presidential action by the due date meant it lapsed into law
The vaping industry has little faith that the upcoming external review of the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) will help fix faults in the US FDA department’s regulation of new tobacco and alternative products
A rule banning tobacco and vaping products during the Covid lockdown in South Africa was strongly criticised by the country’s Supreme Court of Appeal, which deemed it to be unconstitutional
More than 24,000 responses were received to a European Commission call for evidence on plans for the legal framework that will shape the future revised Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and Tobacco Advertising Directive
Trust a politician to come up with a memorable soundbite, a catchy slogan or a simple statement that leaps out at you from the headlines. Top prize this week to Malaysia’s health minister Khairy Jamaluddin
Public health in the North of England continues to be ignored in favour of supporting more affluent and Tory-leaning areas in the South and Midlands, according to a new survey
Could the UK’s Khan review of tobacco policy have lessons for the rest of the world in its enthusiastic endorsement of vaping, even for countries where there is far more hostility toward novel tobacco products?
This report details the regulatory framework for e-cigarette products in France, including age, product, packaging and advertising restrictions, public usage, notification requirements, taxation and sanctions
As far as we can tell, God has no opinion on the subject of vaping. Science, almost equally unhelpfully, has plenty of opinions – and they don’t all agree
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed government priorities and rather than looking to completely ban the sale of vaping products, the Russian authorities are now considering increased e-cigarette taxes instead
A new centre-left Labor government in Australia will not bring about any change in vaping regulations as it looks to liberalise various policies brought in by the former Liberal-National coalition government