Policy and Politics

PHE: seven-year report on the UK’s soon-to-be-disbanded authority on vaping

3rd September 2020 - News analysis |

The recent news that the British government is to scrap Public Health England and replace it with a new institute makes this an appropriate moment to look back at some of PHE’s achievements in creating policies and evidence on tobacco-alternative products. Since it was set up in April 2013 to “bring public health specialists into a single public health service”, » Continue Reading.

Could the land that makes e-cigarettes for the world ban them at home?

22nd June 2020 - Blogs |

Could China, where most of the world’s e-cigarettes are made, actually be considering banning them? It could have major global repercussions for the whole vaping industry – and so, potentially, for levels of smoking – if it did. A gradual move towards a total e-cig ban was among the proposals put forward at the so-called Two Sessions in Beijing – » Continue Reading.