Key global e-cigarette markets database, March 2025

ECigIntelligence’s e-cigarette market database, produced exclusively for Platinum subscribers, is your one-stop source for essential information on the global market, with seven regions covered, including detailed analyses over 50 countries with significant e-cigarette markets.

Data includes market size estimates, smoking rates, vaping statistics, share of users in form factors (basic open systems, advanced open systems, pre-filled pods and disposables), online pricing, total traffic to online vape stores and most important websites, estimated number of vape stores and largest vape store chains, share of vapers using different retail channels, most popular brands, and key vape-related associations. We show historical estimates from 2016 onwards and forecast one year ahead.

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Market Analysis Team

Market Analysis Team
This content is researched and analysed by the legal team, which is composed of economists, researchers and international market experts. To learn more about our team, visit the Who We Are page.

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The global e-cigarette market is in an opaque regulatory environment that requires professionals to be on top of industry developments to make informed decisions and optimise their strategy.

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